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all lyrics by Violet Skin(yes, they are copyrighted, thank you for asking)
more specifically, Karli wrote the untitled song, Dominique wrote No More and the main vocal part(which she sings)for Overflowing, and Katie wrote everything else

Fallen Feather
I can still jump on my bed
you never really had control
my life is my own
feathers are floating to the ground
I'd like to see you try
determination is my friend
there are monsters under the bed
they're filling up my head
you want to have a pillow fight
I can only see in black and white
since ignorance is blinding
you say I'm falling down
I jump too high to see the ground
you never really had control
I can still jump on my bed

Missing Plant Food
down in the depths of
whatever depths I can find
between sickness and light
between cartoons and real life
I ran away without moving an inch
and I heard screaming that night
as I fell through glass that wasn't there
and realized it was my voice screaming
but you didn't hear
maybe it was only past silences
screaming in my ear
drowning me in noiselessness
telling me to fear
don't give me that sadness
I thought I covered that hole
where'd my plant food go
can't handle shrinking
standing on the sink
I can still reach your face
don't look when I turn soft
didn't mean to leave the burning behind
dirt under my fingernails and in my hair
keep running out of soap
they don't know there's other ways to wash
do I?
come with me
I must find an ancient scroll

she said baby, don't give up
I need you in my life
she told me I was her blood
young definitions of love
but I was used up inside
effort had taken its toll
and I wanted to see blood, my blood
so bad
so long with dry eyes, dry arms
mirror inflicted too many times
distorted image of
a couple of beats missed
misssing her
even as her hand cradled mine
she told me I had a choice
I knew waht she meant
she told me I could be strong
why was it taking this long
make me dance
out of this trance
into her arms
learn to be strong again to fall
running from the inside out
outside in
into desire
freedom to feel
allow myself
you can start with your hands, she said
and all this time I thought it started with my heart

Main vocals:
push her to the edge
maybe she'll come back
hang her on the brim
someday she'll relax
squeezed inside by something
that little voice that
keeps me inside my dreams
hang me in a jar
surely I'll let loose
the trees will fall
the swing won't work
how does she make it
go up and up again
the level so high
clouds let loose
how can the streets already
be dry after all
that fear she dropped
hang her on the edge
push her to the brim
maybe in that dreamland
we'll swing again
Backing vocals:
I'm sorry if I flinched
you won't have to see it again
I want to see it all
must I open my eyes?
tight, rope
in a sideshow circus
bruised little mind
dying of thirst
in a pool of salt
I can't do it anymore
I can do it all the time
sometimes I'm scared of heights
sometimes I want to fly

Raccoon Eyes
raccoon eyes
wanted to be
so free
careless suicide
change your mind
to stumble up stairs
this isn't real
I'm made of steel
calm yourself
it's good to take your vitamins
jumper cables are on the way
this didn't happen
my real name is batman
raccoon eyes
wanted to be
so free
cartoon voice
hands with so much and so little
was the jello good
did they replace your drummer
open those lids to white

No More
sickness on the ground
spreading to my brain
contamination by fears
I'm full of love
inside of my tears
throw your sadness
on the floor
don't let it touch us
quarantine us
we're too hazardous
to be kept
in that safe place
lock your door
someone wants it more than you
don't know who that could be
you need it
sometimes you want it
occasionally, you ask
can I have it?
not too often from that be that you lay in
with your head against me
my little girl
I see no more

vague jagged sighs of fake demise
I now dismiss any ties
cracked body racing with disbelief
black sea turne dinto a thief
the tattered image and the fake innocence
all wrapped into one become your belligerence
I soar above you straight into the clear sky
better know she won't reply
redundant stain you are to blame
you only live for the false fame
don't want to talk to you
don't want to look at you
don't want to hear from you
beauty is never skin deep
I will never bow down to your defeat
I'm safer than I've ever been
'cause you're not welcome to come in
so sure of yourself when nothing's there
and I no longer have the need to care

Labyrinth First
smooth and soft
hard-edged desire
beauty inside-out
muscles taut, engines wrought
touch you
to caress the soul
shown not enough
spider-web mind
condemning this love
I said no
this love to focus , cleanse
to kiss shoulder blade
no more blades to kiss my shoulder and
I've taken them up
taken you up
no more going down
clause in the rule book
fine print in characters
you're such a character
my character
but no memory for the script
hair soft and scented against my cheek
kabuki face and wisdom beyond rings in the trunk
limbs sculpted without flaw to lay within mine
as much doubt for my heart as my heart doubts me
me and you
you and I
against those who stand to make existence one
syllable again
not again
let me see your other face, gemini
I want to taste your sweetness before me
your lovely one made for my blood
labyrinth first to keep her

The Day I Left Home
flash, crash
the neighbors must have heard that
and sudden violent words spit out
mother, that appears to be your saliva
lying on the floor
sorrounded by obscene language
did you hope for the best?
weren't you raised like the rest?
tell me again how you adore these eyes
oh, you've gone mute again
animated silence
end of the line
silent, angry goodbye
and have a nice day
going to cry and steal plaid ties
take it easy
I'm growing my hair
smoking and seeing
freezing and leaving
wrong order for you
I was always confused
potential kinetics and motion suspended
sad videotape de su vida
still frame after still frame
this chick can't be from your egg
can't I have my spaceship back?

can we go to the corner store?
man, I'm tired out
I got a fetish to satisfy
it aches me to see you
I ache to see you
come to my arms
chill in the warmth
watch some cartoons
did you hear that click?
my pez dispenser is full now
I'm gonna hand it out like candy
to you

In The Flesh
never thought you'd be back
guess it's happened a lot
never remembered
but that wasn't a loss
now that you know
curiosity's ticking
get in the car
go for a drive
pretend there's no mission in mind
that fated yard is in sight
in your site
and those markers aren't for coloring
maybe discoloring
too late for turning
feet on the dirt
chills in yur heart
like whispers on the neck
shovel in hand, this hand
to find the other
never thought you'd be back
guess it's happened a lot
never remembered
but that wasn't a loss
now that you know
shovel to dirt
look mommy(which one), I found a box
face to face
decayed mirror of time
did you want to remember
through dirt and grime
and after the terror
so much to do
enjoy this flesh
as the sand falls through your mind

A little insight perhaps? Dominique wrote Overflowing, the second set of lyrics to it were written in response to her words later by Kat. The untitled song is about a boy that Karli really shouldn't be wasting her time with. No one should for that matter. Katie actually had herself convinced at one point in her youth that her real mother was in fact an alien from another planet. In The Flesh is a story about this guy who was reincarnated, only he remembered, and he went to this cemetary and dug up his old grave. There will be many more lyrics to follow these-seven new songs are in the process of being pieced together. Feel free to ask questions about are words and phrases on the guest book which all of you should sign anyway, we like to know who was here. Thanks for listening, I'm gonna shut up now.


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